Sunday, January 13, 2008

Oh snap! Midget Synth Fight!!!

Access Virus TI Snow


Waldorf Blofeld

Access Virus TI Snow just showed up on MatrixSynth today. Snow is just like the other Virus TI's, just a new and reduced enclosure/interface. I'm glad I have the Polar - the way I see it, Access already gave the Virus too few knobs... their whole "shift" thing just isn't good. You have to hold down the "shift" button while you edit certain parameters. At the very least, the "shift" should have been a toggle on/off instead of a press and hold button. On the other hand, it's kind of offset by the 3 assignable soft knobs, so... whatever.

It's an interesting trend in hardware synths... Take pre-existing "guts" and put them into a smaller package. The Virus TI line already had the desktop version, so this is like a reduced desktop. The Waldorf Blofeld, on the other hand, is a combination of the Waldorf Q and Microwave synths, so it's not literally the same guts like the Snow is.

Nothing against Waldorf, but I think it would be hi-fucking-larious if the Snow shipped before the Blofeld did. I am curious to see what the price point of the Snow is, just out of morbid curiosity.

New topic: Today's NFC Division Game, Seattle Seahawks vs Green Bay Packers, was the best fucking NFL game I've ever seen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! i think the snow is going to beat the blofeld out of the gate, but.. its rocking a street tag of about twice the price.. (blofeld 700, snow 1300!)
that almost ends the game if you ask me. if waldorf can actually ship the unit. it will end up on more desk/table tops.