Thursday, November 22, 2012

Blofeld vs Largo vs Camel Audio Alchemy

I've posted before about my indecision between Waldorf's Blofeld hardware synthesizer and their Largo soft synth. Eventually I bought Largo, but I never really used it in anything. I also found myself using the Blofeld less and less - even with the knobs all fixed. I finally sold it.

Recently Camel Audio had a sale on Alchemy and I bought it after checking out their tutorial videos.

Damn! If only every synth company did this thorough of a job teaching you how to use their stuff... I'm sure Waldorf could especially benefit from that kind of outreach.

Is it fair to compare a wavetable synth to whatever it is Alchemy does? Yes, I think it is simply based on this criteria: there is a place for Alchemy in everything I've done. I can't say the same for Blofeld or Largo.

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