Saturday, April 5, 2008

Working at the wiener factory is like sticking my face in a bowl full of dicks, all day, every day

1) Earlier this week, I decided I was going to hold off on buying a Waldorf Blofeld for something like a year or more. Then the price jumped up 100 bucks from $699 to $799. Is this supply and demand, or is the US dollar doing that crappy vs the Euro?

2) There's a Little Phatty II coming out that includes an arp and a USB MIDI interface. Is it just me or does this post seem to imply they'll be releasing a patch that will bring the arp to Little Phatty I's?

"The arpeggiator is a firmware feature of Little Phatty OS 2.0, which is currently in progress; I am testing it as we develop it. It will start shipping with the new LP Stage edition version II, which should be out next month. Once that's done we will release an update for all LP Stage Editions which will give them the new features; after that we plan to port it to the Tribute Edition as well."

I sure hope my Little Phatty (Stage Edition) gets an arp - that would rule, then I would have no reason at all to be jealous of the LP II. Being able to sync the LFO to MIDI would be fun, but I can live without it - and as for the whole USB MIDI thing; fuck that, every fucking piece of gear I own now has a USB MIDI interface. I don't have a USB port for every piece of gear I own!

3) I've been playing GTA: San Andreas on the PC lately. I bought it for PS2 way back when - couldn't get into it, then I downloaded it off Steam for PC when it was on sale. I've got to say, I can't play games like GTA on anything but the PC. Same thing with the Hitman games. If Manhunt didn't end up being such a shit fest, I'd be tempted to download that to my PC for $10. I have a feeling that in the level where I left off in Manhunt, I could probably waste every enemy in the level if in two minutes if I was using a mouse and keyboard. Not worth it, however.

4) Back in 2002, I bought a 1024 x 768 15" flat screen monitor. When I moved to Hoosierland in 2006, my aunt gave me an old Compaq 19" CRT monitor that did 1280 x whatever. I'd been using the 15" as a second monitor on my Mac for Logic (pic below).

Doing my best to make my music studio look like an S&M dungeon.

Eventually, the old flat screen began to look so blurry that I decided to retire it. Then, last week, my CRT monitor, which had been cranky for the past few months - skewing and contorting the picture, turning itself off - decided to die, so I needed a new monitor for my PC. I had been wanting to pick up a cheap set of speakers w/ a subwoofer for a while, so I decided to GO SHOPPING.

Now I'm cranking up the sub, cappin' asses in GTA and Audiosurfin' at 1440 x 900 on a 19" widescreen LCD monitor.

Awwwwwww yeah, this is why I suck dicks all day at the wiener factory.

PS - When I'm driving around in GTA cappin' asses and smackin' bitches, I listen to the House music radio station and I really like this song. (Ignore the gay little anime video. I haven't watched it, electing instead to look at another tab in my browser while the music plays in the background. So, if you watch that video, beware. I'm not taking responsibility if there's tentacle rape or any of that shit.)

1 comment:

Mike said...