Wednesday, January 30, 2008


1) Apparently the Blofeld exists, somewhere, because Waldorf has already released a patch for it. Supposedly it was also at NAMM but strangely enough no one bothered writing about it, but that may be because it's big unveil was at last year's NAMM, not sure if that was the Summer NAMM or the Winter NAMM* I read a rumor somewhere that one prominent U.S. retailer was shipped a whopping four Blofelds - this may not be true at all, however. INTERNETS.

*It was last years Winter NAMM one year ago.

2) This is the scenario by which the Democratic Party will manage to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" in the next presidential election:

A) The following scenario only applies if John McCain is the Republican nominee. He has this undeserved "independent" status in the public consciousness that will make him an appealing alternative to the "independent" and undecided voters that Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee lack. If the nominee is Romney, he's toast even if every other Dem candidate dies in a plane crash leaving only Kucinich to run in the general.

B) IF Barack Obama wins the nomination by less delegates than what Hillary Clinton would have won in Michigan and Florida, Hillary Clinton will likely then contest the nomination.

b1) IF - Hillary Clinton gets her Michigan and Florida delegates to count and takes the nomination, a significant number of democratic voters will not vote for her and will say she "stole" the nomination. She will be compared to George W. Bush in the 2000 election and McCain will not inspire the same amount of "hey, we gotta make sure *he* isn't going to be President" as the other possible Repub candidates would. The media will echo this sentiment, and many so-called "independent" voters, as well as the mouth-breather "undecided" voters will go for McCain.

b2) IF - Hillary Clinton *does not* get her delegates to count, the right wing media will claim that Obama is an illegitimate candidate who only won on a technicality. This sentiment will be amplified in the mainstream media in the form of "Rush Limbaugh said..." or "Fox News reports..." Once again, independents and mouth-breathers break for McCain, but Obama loses this more narrowly than scenario b1.

You heard it here first.

However, if Hillary Clinton wins the nomination even without the Michigan and Florida delegates counting, she will beat McCain in the general. Same goes for Obama if he beats Hillary by more delegates than what Michigan and Florida would have given her.

Personally, I think scenario b2 is most likely at this point. I have a feeling it is going to be close between Clinton and Obama, and the best chance for a Democratic President in 2008 depends on Hillary not fucking it up for the rest of us. FAT CHANCE!

Post Script: As stupid as it is that the Michigan and Florida delegates did not count in the Democratic primaries, all the presidential candidates agreed to it so as not to piss off Iowa and New Hampshire voters. You can't pander to Iowa and New Hampshire and then turn around and pander to Michigan and Florida... or fuck, maybe you can. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!!!

Personally, I wish the entire Democratic party gave a big FUCK YOU to Iowa and New Hampshire in favor of Michigan and Florida, but I'm a dick like that.

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