Thursday, November 29, 2007


I've been goofing around with the freeware variant of Photoshop called GIMP on-and-off over the past year. Mainly, the only thing I knew how to do was copy/paste, resize images and layer things like my Eye-Teeth-Brain profile icon. Thanks to this Something Awful thread, titled "Let's make Silent Hill photos again!," I've spent the past couple of days learning to make photos more "Silent Hill"-esque.

I should probably take this opportunity to segue into a brief rundown/review of the Silent Hill games, as well as criticism of the Silent Hill movie, but it's late and I need to get some sleep, so I will make a note to do that some other time.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I love it when you’re wrong….

The release of the final in the Three Mothers series! For the uninitiated, one of the world’s greatest directors, Dario Argento, began this trilogy in 1977 with the classic “Susperia” and followed it in 1980 with “Inferno.” I don’t really know what the deal is or why it took him so long to release “Mother of Tears.”

All I know is that Mike told me that Dario would likely die without completing it. And now Mike is wrong, and that makes me happy. :)

Not necessarily because I want him to be wrong, but because the first two, especially “Inferno,” are some of my favorite movies ever! I love the plot line about three witch sisters, each wreaking havoc in a different city. And they’re absolutely terrifying.

I recommend seeing these as an introduction to Italian horror and Argento in specific, along with other fantastic works such as “Stendhal’s Syndrome” and “The Phantom of the Opera,” both of which feature the lovely Asia Argento. Argento’s use of color and his extremely stylized films make his work an absolute joy when compared with the bland Hollywood stuff.

“La Terza Madre” has already been released in the States, but it’s not playing anywhere near me. I guess I will have to wait for the DVD…Click here for the trailer.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

New Blood

Since all I write about lately seems to be football and video games, I've decided to invite my future-mrs. to write for this blog. Hopefully she'll write about horror movies more than I have and kick start in me my initial desire to write about horror movies.

As for Manhunt, I've gotten to the level where it is essentially a shoot-out in the subway station, and I've put that shit on indefinite hold. Manhunt is not a shooter and the PS2 sucks for shooters (I'm used to mouse point-and-clicking on the PC for shoot-em-ups) so I've instead been playing Lego Star Wars 2. It's fun, but it seems like in an attempt to add to the game above and beyond the original, it has gotten a bit convoluted. Collect enough studs in Story Mode, then collect enough studs in Freeplay mode plus find the hidden red brick - oh and meet the criteria so you collect all four gold bricks in each level, blah blah blah... I loved the minikit building from the first one and having the option to actually play with your minikit vehicles is fun, but it just seems like too much shit has been crammed into it.

And I suck at vehicle levels.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Terror EBM

I was reading the Dark Sonus forums and came across a post talking about "Terror EBM." Clicking through a few links led me to this video from Dawn of Ashes.

Love the video, music's pretty good... I hate that kind of vocal processing though.

Makes me think... I'd really love to play keys in a "Terror EBM" band.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Manhunt (again)

An escort mission? In Manhunt? Reeeeally???

In a game where I play a convicted murderer, where the object of the game is to kill as many enemies in as gruesome of fashion as possible, I have to escort someone across the level safely?

In its defense, this is probably one of the best escort levels I've played, in that the escortee can be left in dark corners and doesn't wander off on his own, but still...

C'mon guys, give me a pen and paper and I can storyboard 16 levels of this shit that doesn't involve gimmicky escort levels or guns-only bullshit...

Reviews are coming in for Manhunt 2, the verdict seems to point to mediocre and censored to shit... not worth buying a Wii for certainly, and this is a good thing. I really shouldn't be playing Manhunt 1, so I'll definitely steer clear of Manhunt 2.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Packers vs. Vikings

3rd Quarter, 27-0, Packers up.

"Well the Green Bay Packers are 17 minutes away from being 8 and 1 for the season, so we're going to bring you a more competitive game, Eagles vs. Redskins!!!"

Fuck you Fox.

Fuck you Hoosierland.